%0 Journal Article %T Las críticas al derecho romano en Cuba durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX. A Propósito de la modernización de la enseñanza y la ciencia jurídica %D 2018 %@ 1657-6535 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/84511 %X The present article approaches the criticisms occurred in Cuba against the prevalence of Roman Law in university education during the first half of the XIX century. In that order, the context in which such criticisms are produced, as well as the main criteria and the figures inserted in this trend, will be analyzed. The role played by Roman law in the formation of Western legal science and its subsequent crisis will be also analyzed. In this last point, emphasis will be placed on Spain for being the metropolis of Cuba throughout the studied period. %K Historia del derecho %K Derecho romano %K Ciencias jurídicas %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN