%0 Journal Article %T Hacia una reconstrucción de los aportes de la experiencia argentina al desarrollo del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos: las voces de Claudia Fontes y Paula Bombara %D 2017 %@ 1657-6535 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/82586 %X In the present dissertation, we intend to relate and contrast the representations that emerge from legal and political-institutional discourses on the crime of forced disappearance of persons in the Argentinian historical experience. In this sense, we will analyze the representations of the crime of forced disappearance of persons in two artistic works: The Reconstruction of Pablo Miguez Portrait, Claudia Fontes’ sculpture, and The Sea and the Serpent, a novel by Paula Bombara, in order to read them into the perspective of law, with the jurisprudence %K Desaparición forzada - Argentina %K Análisis histórico %K Derechos humanos %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN