%0 Journal Article %T Lugares , agentes y relación con el saber en estudiantes de 5º y 9º, grado de educación básica en el sur-occidente Colombiano %D 2014 %@ 1851-3123 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/79809 %X We explored the functioning of the rapport au savoir (RAS) theory within the framework of a qualitative and interpretative research project whic h looked at the differentiation of knowledge in children of 5 th and 9 th grades of primary school education in educational institutions in Cali, Candelaria and the rural settlement of El Cabuyal. Th e object of this theory is the comprehension of the sense attributed by the subject to his/her learni ng. The figures of learning are the categories of analysis of the theory, and the balance of knowle dge (bilans de savoir) is the instrument that collects the information. As a prod uct of the results of the research project, we will reveal the places and the agents of learning that, according to the students, intervene in their activity- relationship-action with knowledge %K Educación básica %K Saber %K Aprendizaje %K Fracaso %K Sujetos sociales %K Educación general %K Education %K Estudiantes %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN