%0 Journal Article %T Análisis de los indicadores de competitividad: Colombia y la alianza del pacifico %D 2014 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/77305 %X The following paper serves as an educational document to students of economics and other disciplines as a guide to understand what competitiveness of Nations is, and which are the main variables that make it. How the Nations are classified according those variables. Finally we analyze the Alianza del Pacifico and how the Natios that are part of it, are in subject like competitiveness. %K Competitividad %K Indicador %K INDICE %K Alianza del Pacífico %K Mercado internacional %K Economía %K Colombia %K Trabajos de grado %K Economía %K Departamento de Economía %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN