%0 Journal Article %T La evaluación de la investigación jurídica en México. Observaciones al mecanismo de evaluación del CONACYT %J Precedente: Anuario Juridico;Vol. 3 %D 2013 %U http://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/precedente/article/view/1727 %X CONACYT is the Mexican council responsible for the coordination and evaluation of the national policy on science, technology and innovation, which applies a peer review mechanism for the acceptance or refusal of the national research projects, and the incorporation of new researchers. When concerning to the Law areas this method lacks of objectivity; that is the thesis of the present article. It is also argued that, as a State organization, it is obliged to apply the rightfulness and legal certainty principles in the evaluation process, as in any administrative act. %K Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Precedente: Anuario Juridico %K Ciencias jurídicas %K Evaluación %K National System of Researchers %K Research evaluation in Legal Sciences. %K Sistema Nacional de Investigadores %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN