%0 Journal Article %T Caracterización del mercado de renta variable en Colombia durante el periodo 2007- 2010. %D 2012 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/68165 %X The public market is a key institution for the revitalization of the economy, to the extent that facilitates the financing of productive activities of many different economic sectors, comprising industrial companies, trade and services, which, assiduously, resources required to advance its operational activities, under optimal conditions of cost, risk and information. In that vein, this research characterizes the equity market in Colombia during the period between the years 2007 to 2010, focusing on the analysis of variables considered essential for the efficient functioning of securities market, such as growth, risk, liquidity, concentration and firm performance. This, in order to make an approach to market dynamics that preceded the creation of the Integrated Latin American Market (MILA). To meet this goal, we will make use of historical information of public character, between 1 January 2007 and December 31, 2010, from objective sources and recognized in the market, using statistical and financial tools will facilitate the calculation and predict the behavior of the variables under study, contributing to a larger pool and interpretive information on the evolution of the national stock market in recent years where there have been parallel economic and social phenomena of interest both nationally and internationally. %K S %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K BOLSA DE VALORES %K MERCADO DE VALORES %K ANÁLISIS FINANCIERO %K COSTOS DE CAPITAL %K CAPITAL FINANCIERO %K PUBLICMARKET SECURITIES %K FINANCIAL ANALYSIS %K Economics %K Economía %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN