%0 Journal Article %T El cambio en la organización: un estudio teórico desde la perspectiva de control externo %D 2011 %@ 01235923 %U http://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/estudios_gerenciales/article/view/1059 %X This article is aimed at the analysis of three theoretical models that explain organizational change processes from the perspective of external control, namely, the contingency theory; the resource dependence theory; and the population ecology theory. The theoretical-descriptive work, based on a rigorous literature review, made it possible to provide a framework of propositions with a view to integrating common aspects of the aforementioned theories and providing insights for understanding change in light of surrounding circumstances. The most relevant conclusions show that the various models are complementary to each other and provide an explanation of the impact of change on structural design, behavior, and organizational performance from various perspectives. %K CAMBIO ORGANIZACIONAL %K TEORÍAS %K DEPENDENCIA %K RECURSOS %K EXTERNAL CONTROL %K ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE %K CONTINGENCY THEORY %K RESOURCE %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN