%0 Journal Article %T Academic improvement in english in two 7th grade students rejected by their classmates at a public educational institution %D 2020 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/85582 %X This study has the purpose of improving the academic level in English class of two students, who have had low academic performance. This, at the same time has been a barrier to interact with their classmates who express negative and hurting utterances about them. To achieve the study objective, it was necessary to design an action plan encouraging academic strategies such as cooperative learning and alternative assessment tools that would consider their strengths and weaknesses to foster social interaction in the group. This case study took place in a public school in Yumbo, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. The two students belong to a group of 30 students of seventh grade. It has a qualitative design, data was collected through observations and analysis of activities designed from the perspective of the task based learning method. The main finding is to have verified that the students responded to the process when the teacher considered their needs. This means that the teacher assisted all her students and ensured an inclusive education. %K Rendimiento académico %K Aprendizaje cooperativo %K Estrategias de enseñanza %K Educación inclusiva %K Desempeño académico %K Conocimiento pedagógico %K Aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras %K Procesos de aprendizaje %K Tésis %K Educación %K Departamento de Idiomas %K Departamento de Pedagogía %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN