%0 Journal Article %T A reflection of teaching english vocabulary to children with hearing impairment in a fifth grade classroom. %D 2022 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/98995 %X By using an action research framework, this study aimed to illustrate pedagogical reflections through an implementation of visual scaffolding strategies to teach English vocabulary to two hearing impairment students of fifth grade. The teacher researcher made observations, designed lesson plans, implemented the actions and reflected on the results. The information was collected through participant observation in the classroom over four sessions. From these observations, three categories were established: connection between school and real life, leadership and communication, and vocabulary use and learning. The researcher used instruments of observation (a teacher’s journal), students’ artifacts, interviews, and questionnaire. The data analysis was conducted subjectively and descriptively by the researcher; the findings of the study indicate the strategies the teacher used can help the students in memorizing new vocabulary and help the students in understanding better. But working with hearing-impaired students requires special attention and education in appropriate conditions. Because the right to have access to a regular school does not indicate that there they will find the specialized services they require. Not to mention the fact that teachers have not received any training to handle children with disabilities or exceptional abilities. %K Educación inclusiva %K Discapacidad auditiva %K Andamiaje visual %K Habilidades comunicativas %K Idiomas extranjeros %K Aprendizaje de idiomas %K Aprendizaje del inglés %K Enseñanza del inglés %K Experiencia pedagógica %K Vocabulario en inglés %K Tésis %K Departamento de Idiomas %K Educación %K Departamento de Pedagogía %K Maestría en la Enseñanza del Inglés %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN