%0 Journal Article %T The effects of flipping the grammar structures and vocabulary on students’ oral performance in an A1 english class of the Juan XXIII School  %D 2019 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/84997 %X This action research study examined the effects that flipped the grammar and vocabulary had in A1 ninth graders' oral performance of a public school of Santiago de Cali. Data obtained from different instruments were analyzed through thematic analysis method. The results indicated that the implementation of the Flipped Learning approach developed had a positive impact on the participants' confidence and oral skill. The use of this approach engaged students to take control over their learning increased their level of autonomy and collaborative work to help struggling students. %K Competencias orales %K Planes estratégicos %K Enseñanza bilingüe %K Enseñanza del inglés %K Desarrollo de competencias %K Idiomas extranjeros %K Competencia lingüística %K Tésis %K Departamento de Idiomas %K Educación %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN