%0 Journal Article %T An analysis of students’ needs at programa de formación complementaria in Normal Superior de Popayán %D 2019 %U http://repository.icesi.edu.co/biblioteca_digital/handle/10906/84996 %X This study investigated the English language needs of the students in the Programa de Formación Complementaria in Escuela Normal Superior de Popayán from the perspectives of administrators, teachers and students (undergraduates and graduates) in order to evaluate the academic program and its constraints in a deeper way. Data was collected through interviews and focus groups, a total of 15 people were involved in the study. A questionnaire was also applied to a total of 35 students. After collecting the date, questionnaires were initially analyzed using three precoded categories: English language, students’ needs and constraints and the English academic program. The interviews were transcribed in order to comprehend in a better way the opinions and students´ interests and to facilitate the identification of repetitive patterns. %K Enseñanza bilingüe %K Enseñanza del inglés %K Idiomas extranjeros %K Aprendizaje del inglés %K Aprendizaje de idiomas %K Aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras %K Tésis %K Departamento de Idiomas %K Educación %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN