%0 Journal Article %T Telemedicine system based on ECG signals and in the TCP/IP protocol using a sparse space %D 2017 %U http://www.icesi.edu.co/revistas/index.php/sistemas_telematica/article/view/2441 %X Telemedicine systems are revolutionizing applications in the health sector, to the point where people are monitored remotely. This article presents a telemedicine system for transmission of electrocardiographic data (ECG) using TCP/IP protocol in real time. The communication system consists of the stage of instrumentation that includes amplifiers and filters. TCP/IP communication system was used to transmit and tele-monitor the subjects. We performed tests with 30 subjects, in addition was determined by the percentage of error of information loss had an average value of 0.25%. %K Sistema %K Telemedicina %K Sector salud %K Electrocardiograma %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN