%0 Journal Article %T SmarterDeals: a context-aware deal recommendation system based on the smartercontext engine %D 2012 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/81955 %X Daily-deal applications are popular implementations of on-line advertising strategies that offer products and services to users based on their personal profiles. The current implementations are effective but can frustrate users with irrelevant deals due to stale profiles. To exploit these applications fully, deals must become smarter and context-aware. This paper presents SmarterDeals, our deal recommendation system that exploits users’ changing personal context information to deliver highly relevant offers. SmarterDeals relies on recommendation algorithms based on collaborative filtering, and SmarterContext, our adaptive context management framework. %K Seguridad de la información %K Protección de datos %K Protección de la información %K Automatización y sistemas de control %K Automation Command and control system %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN