%0 Journal Article %T Plan estratégico unidad de multiservicios %D 2014 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/77365 %X This graduation project formulates a proposed strategic plan for Multiservicios Unit, part of the Empresa de Energía del Pacífico S.A. The aim is to meet the needs of the company in terms of loyalty attended business market, taking into account the conditions of high competition in which is this group of customers and their specific characteristics, which make applicants solutions with high level of service. To address this work, initially evaluates the current business model of Unity, through, a review of the components of Canvas and responding to questions planet Magreta study model, then going to both External and Strategic Analysis Internally, the conclusions of this analysis a diagnosis of the unit is synthesized through the SWOT Matrix enlarged, starting this mission, vision and strategic objectives of the plan are raised likewise the strategy map and balanced presented scorecard with the track management in different perspectives and finally make some conclusions and recommendations to encourage the implementation of the strategy are proposed. %K Tésis %K Planes estratégicos %K Planeación estratégica %K Fidelización del cliente %K Diferenciación %K Relaciones con los clientes %K Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) %K Administración %K Departamento de Gestión Organizacional %K Strategic plan %K Multiservice %K Market power %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN