%0 Journal Article %T Plan estratégico para la línea fitocosmética de Laboratorios QFA Ltda %D 2014 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/77364 %X The consulting work that is presented next, aims to create a strategic plan for the consolidation in the phytocosmetic sector and generate enough capital to ensure the continuity of Laboratorios Ltda QFA. In the first section of this paper, a diagnostic analysis of the current situation of the company was developed using 3 tools that allowed to have a clear picture of the current business structure and its strengths and weaknesses. With the help of canvas model, created by Osterwalder, the business model is described and its value proposition as the centerpiece of the model is well established in its value chain. The PESTAL and Porter's 5 Forces analysis was then used to detect internal and external strengths and weaknesses. %K Tésis %K Planes estratégicos %K Planeación estratégica %K Cosméticos %K Cinco fuerzas de Porter %K Matriz DOFA %K Laboratorios QFA Ltda. %K Cali (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) %K Administración %K Departamento de Gestión Organizacional %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Strategic plan %K Phytocosmetic %K Canvas model %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN