%0 Journal Article %T G&Ser S.A.S.: Gerencia de Servicios: plan de empresa para la creación de una empresa de Consultoría en Gestión Humana en la ciudad de Cali %D 2013 %U http://hdl.handle.net/10906/76416 %X G & SER SAS, is a family businss, located in Cali with the purpose of providing consulting services in Human Managment, focusing on human BEING as the center of the organization. Services will be provided under strict criteria of quality and guarantee of the service, with expert staff managing teams and with knowledge in business management. The business group is composed by brothers Claudia Milena, Rubén and Norles Gonzalez Calderon, who by protocol family company, guaranteeing the continuity of it and set clear guidelines for its management and development. G & SER requires an initial investment of $ 20 million COP provided in full by the managing partners, of which working capital (cash cushion) is $ 9,350,000 according to the budgeted expenditure. There is an opportunity for G & SER in the sector, considering the market made up of medium sized enterprises located in Cali, in which 49% have expressed interest in hiring or have hired at least one service relating to human management. The greatest demand service companies are the workshops. Profitability of the project in four years is 99.5% (TIR) the net present value with a discount rate of 10%, which is $ 99,027,040 and the discounted payment period is 2.05 years. %K Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas %K Producción intelectual registrada - Universidad Icesi %K Administración %K Consultoría %K Gestión humana %K Recursos humanos %K Human Management %K Human being %K Organization %K Consulting %~ GOEDOC, SUB GOETTINGEN